You see the woman, she is the most beautiful woman you ever have seen and slowly gets naked, her body is just perfect, too perfect to be human, you envy her, and she looks into you eyes...
You get a huge headache; you think you are shrinking when the woman looking at you starts to look bigger. The sensation ends quickly as you realize that you aren't shrinking, your legs are changing. They don't get smaller, even though they do look thicker and more muscular. They reshaped to the hind legs of a kangaroo.
-What the heck?- you say and try to run away, but kangaroos don't stand erect like humans, or can run, so you fall to the floor. You look at the woman, she is smiling, you can't look away from her eyes.
-NOOO, I DON´T WANT TO BE A KANGAROO!!- you shout, but you quickly calm down when the woman scratches your head, she helps you to stand up. Is strange, you don't hate her for what is happening, somehow all fells right. Then your clothes magically disappear? Just great: Now you are naked!
Your feet lengthen to double their original size and your toes become thicker and shorter. Your toe nails turn black and changed into tiny claws that emerge from the tip of each transformed toe. You tentatively lift one foot into the air a few inches, yes it your foot!. Your hands and arms are covered with fine reddish-brown hair and your fingernails become claws, nothing else has changed, if you didn't count that your breasts have grow a bit. Your hands still have the same shape, and you turn them over and notice thick black pads on your palms. You turn over and see a huge tail lengthening from your lower back. It grows so long that it touches the ground, with a little effort; you can even move it around.
"This is wild," you think, then is when you notice you have a pouch in your abdomen. You pull at the edge of the pouch and it opens slightly. It isn't large, but it looks big enough that you could probably fit your arm into it half-way to your elbow. The tip of your nose push away from your face to form a fuzzy muzzle, your human ears suck in and disappear; while a large set of ears poked through your hair on the top of her head.
Yeah now you are humanized Kangaroo, this suckes. Your chest is covered with fur, you are thankful that it covers your nipples completely, despite the fact all your clothes had magically disappeared during the transformation, that doesn't mean you like to show the goods to everyone.
-You want to complete the change? She asks-. You are only half a Roo?
And she gives you the largest French kiss you ever had...
Written by Black.N. Joe on 21 October 2007
The end (for now)