Take the hit
“Rika!” You hear Renamon call out. You run. You push your body beyond its limits. You push yourself to deflect that shot, to do the impossible. You pump your arms faster, take in all the air your lungs can take. Pulling on those achy, bruised joints all to get to Rika and to stop the image in your head. Where that sarcastic, pain in the ass girl laid bleeding, cold and dying on the ground. “Gaaa!!” You scream nothing in particular but the yell drew out the last you had to give. Getting you in front of Rika. The world seemed stilled, maybe you're in that sports zone every sport manga you ever read talks about. If this was the zone, it was a good thing. The bullet was in front of you, slow as a snail from the garden.
“What?!” You hear Rika cry, you vaguely see a figure of her with a card in her hand but ignore it.
You feel time stop. Even though you were running just one moment ago. Your lungs are still like you don't need to breathe, it would be scary. It wasn't and it seemed to go on forever, you didn't even mind. The floating sensation calmed you. Then it came tumbling down. The world was full of motion, but only around you. You can see the attack you want to stop but it's not moving, only you are. You watch as white wave pulsates around you, no you correct yourself, it went though you!
You touch your chest, but you don't have it in you to panic. You watch with interest as a purple and black cloud in gulps you, blocking your vision. White lighting flashes a hexagon ripple dances over you. You lean into its power and close your eyes as the tinkling sensation starts at you noses and claws. The sensation trickles down your snout and over your paws. You feel your feet shrink and you tail feelslike it's changed, pulled apart and renewed. It doesn't hurt, it feels great! You let out a roar, more like a tiger; then a fox-like creature that you are.
"Dragon Wheel!" You shout from instinct. You weren't lost in the power like before. You knew what you wanted. You wanted to protect Rika and help out Renamon and this guy was going down. You start to spin very fast, which causes the flames on your body to erupt into a fiery inferno. All you see is swirling blue fire and you circle round and round. A little more you ergs yourself, just a little more.
Written by psto1464 on 26 August 2017