6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Shifting into Gear
You blink softly, squinting a bit at the warm sun rays above you. Muttering something about being tossed out on a beach, you get to your feet and look around. Blue, floating buoys are positioned in a circle about 30 feet out from the shoreline in an arc around you. You realize that must be the barrier that had flipped on earlier.
While running your fingers through your hair to get the sand out, you notice a dense, jungle-like area toward what you assume is the middle of the island. With a determined nod, you head towards it. After all, your goal is different from the one the other simpletons here had in mind.
Sure, there was the prize for the contest, but you had come with your own goals in mind. Long ago, your father had mentioned a strange island in the shape of a lion?s head that held a mystical power that no one quite understood yet. However, he would never tell you the nature of the power, or what it did. Due to this fact, you had always shrugged it off as some weird story he used to tell simply to entertain you when you were a kid. After seeing an aerial view of the island in a promotional trailer, your opinion quickly changed. Clear as day, the island looked like the head of a lion your father had talked about.
You enter the jungle, a bit unsure of where to go first. Looking to your left and right, all you can really make out is more trees. You look behind you back at the beach. Your father never mentioned where on the island this power was hidden. Having no real directions and no clue where the other players of the game are, you weigh your options.
Written by Zorpix on 07 June 2014
Here, kitty
You decide to shout out and see if anyone nearby can hear you. The only thing you hear in response is the crashing of waves against the distant shore. A bit discouraged, you decide to call out one more time, hoping something will hear.
At first, it sounds like you will go unanswered again, but then a faint rustling can be heard in the brush behind you. You turn slowly and see some kind of animal peering out at you from the brush. Backing up slowly toward the shore, you do your best to not startle this new creature.
For every step back you take, the beast takes two forward. It has come out of the brush into a little clearing now, and you can clearly see the markings of a tiger. Your mind starts racing. Why would a television show put you in a place that has live tigers and nothing for protection? Perhaps the name of the show, ?Survivor? should?ve been taken more literally?
A growl from the animal jerks you out of your thoughts and back into the present situation. Your mind is screaming at you to run, but your feet stay locked in place. The tiger snarls and lunges forward, snapping you out of your fear. You jump back, the claws tearing holes in your shirt and scraping your chest just a bit. Stumbling over your own feet, you turn around and run as fast as you can back to the lake with the tiger hot on your heels.
Surprisingly, you outrun him right up until you hit the beach. The sand squishes around your feet restricting your movement, while the big cat?s wide paws allow him to easily regain lost ground and pounce upon you. You feel the heavy weight on your back and a sharp pain as the fangs dig into your neck. Another game player looks on in horror, but makes no move to help you. It?s not like there?s much they could?ve done anyways, as in your last few moments of life, you watch your own blood pool up on the sand in front of you.
After a period of darkness, you gasp back to life. A cold metal table chills your bones as you sit up, wondering where you are.
?Easy now, you?ve had a bit of a rough ride.? A doctor says, gently laying you back down. ?Nano healing technology has come a long way, but you do need to lie still for a while.?
You sigh with relief as you realize these people weren?t as evil as you thought. Still, you weren?t going to be able to find that treasure you were told about as a child?
Why not go back to the beginning and see if you can have a better outcome?
Written by Zorpix on 30 July 2014