You enter the mansion and take a grand look at all this place has to offer. The center of the room has an entertainment that looks more like a gamer’s tournament stadium with HD Televisions, cutting edge PC Towers, several consoles, and various lights and a smoke screen generator. Every bedroom is built like a master bedroom and every bathroom is like its own miniature spa. The kitchen is built like a miniature restaurant with a dining room large enough to accommodate a few hundred people. Indeed, all these must be great…for the humans, anyway. Any pokemorphs you see are all put to work as servants or housemaids, cleaning up after their employers.
You are soon confronted by a Espeon Morph dressed in rather elegant clothes. He asks you to follow him to the real owner of the home. The actual owner is a tall, lanky man with the demeanor of someone most important. He had a smooth mane of black hair rolled back with gel and a crooked, beak like nose. He is about to pull out a cigarette before he sees you and immediately puts it a way. Clearing his throat, he waves at you to come inside.
“Forgive me. Ah! Do come in, my darling,” He said, waving his hand at the Espeon. “You may go, Roland. See if my pet desires anything.”
Roland bows graciously before walking out the hallway, leaving the two of you together. The man paces about inspecting you closely. It makes you nervous seeing him stare at you like that. Then he says, “I hope that Roland was courteous to you. I don’t tolerate rudeness, not even from my human servants. What brings you here to my humble abode?”
“I’m here to apply for a job. I heard you were hiring help,” You respond.
The man frowns at this, “Are you sure that this is the right place for someone like you?”
Your ears perk to attention, asking in sudden annoyance, “What does that mean?”
“I would watch your tone. I simply meant that you appear to be more of a combatant.”
You think quickly to explain this and say, “Oh, I am a rather physical girl. I have been training to defend myself, but I’m sure that you have security for that. I know I can trust you to protect me, right?”
“You assume correctly. You seem ideal for Gardening. However…”
The man leaned against his desk crossing his arms, “I am looking for two positions to fill out. I will let you choose between what fits you more. I could use either a Gardener for the Berries I grow outside or a housemaid—specifically one to care for my son’s needs. So long as you abide by my rules and etiquette, I may hire you on at a wage within reason. If these terms are acceptable, then choose.”
You nod quietly, your mind quickly thinking about the options weighed out to you. This is quite the choice. Which two services seem to fit you more?
Written by wrathofautumn on 27 May 2018