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“We should go back to the bunker,” Daniel said. “The last time we saw the others was when they went through the gates, right? It could take us ages to find them. At least we know where the bunker least I think I do. Besides, if Jake and Gassan did get in trouble we might find something that can help them too.”


Pammy nodded in agreement but David seemed to hesitate. Pammy patted his shoulder gently. “Don’t worry, we’ll look for them after,” she assured.


“Yeah...alright,” David agreed. They collected their minuscule belongings and their spirits then headed on their way.




The exhausted trio wasn’t spared the relief of their journey ending when they reached the foreboding entrance to the bunker. Instead they gave each other the best encouraging smile they could while being so stamina-drained and slunk down the stairs.


The same disturbing chill Daniel had felt when entering the place by herself the first time was returning to her as she took in the familiar steely walls and monotonous, blinking lights. It made her hair stand on end. Despite the alertness of her fur and the constant swishing of her tail, Daniel felt almost lethargic. She relied on her companions to guide her until they reached that dreadful junction. She stopped by herself then and once more considered the options.


Written by Flutterbest on 06 January 2018

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