“Eh, fuck him! I’ll be glad to get rid of him!” You mutter, ignoring the sound of the male taur crying out as the axe connected with his shoulder, shaving off a chunky layer of fur and skin alike with a sputter of deep red against the stone wall of the cave.
While the goblins are still distracted killing Baal, you dispatch the two on you with a swing of your sword through the head of one before spinning, fluidly rolling back the other way to strike at the other one.
Though of course, you subpar sword hooked into the ribs of the first, yanking the piece out of you hand as you try to spin.
“Shit!” You gasp, quickly glancing over at the second goblin before you just bolt, heading straight for the direction you came from, but this time, heading down the dark path on the opposite side.
Legs pumping, you skitter your hand down the cool stone to try and guide you at full tilt towards the entrance.
“Screw this adventure crap! I don’t wanna die! What if I don’t come back!?”
Behind you, echoing off the sides of the cave, you can hear the goblins clamoring together.
“Tuuch daan sharaan aklaar maar?”
“Khruun! Daan'zaan huur duun hor daan daarogaan!”
“Rhor A dac duun or maar!”
You can’t understand them, since you don’t speak goblin at all, but you don’t want to know what they are discussing behind you. Instead, you just run. You run as fast as you can, stumbling in the darkness on your strange legs, but you don’t stop. You just keep running forward, stumbling forward, as long as you fall forward, you just keep rushing towards the exit.
Finally, you spot the spill of the sunlight pouring into the cave. You rush faster, hearing the slight clamor of the goblin behind you and the distant howling of Baal as they prepare him for a spit.
You don’t even look back. You just thrust yourself out of the cave into the embrace of the bright sun and charge back down the path until you’re sure there’s no goblin behind you.
“Huff... huff...” You try to speak, but your breath is totally gone, leaving you huffing in place for a solid minute.
“I bet they’ve gone back to eat Baal...” You think for a moment, pondering whether you care about him now that you’re safe from danger, but after a beat, you realize you don’t.
“Eh, he was annoying anyways.” And with a shrug, you start walking back towards town, thinking perhaps you’ll be able to find the tavern again where you can sit down and enjoy some ale.
Written by Picklessauce69 on 22 July 2017
The end (for now)