The genie smiles at you. "Well then, I guess it is time for you to say goodbye to your humanity." he says chuckling to himself. Before you can react he floats down and sprinkles powder over you "I think you will be quite surprised at this" he says as he fades into nothing.<br>
"Wait, I am sorry," you call up to him but he is gone and you have started to change." <br>
To you surprise the first change is not an animal as you suspected it would be. but instead your chest. It flattens out and you feel something growing between your legs. You gulp "I am turning male," you think.<br>
The shock of suddenly becoming male, and the shock of the chilly water is however is quickly added to as the animal changes start flowing through you and a narration in your head too describing the changes. <br>
"First a nice tail to help you through the water, " you hear yourself think as your spine lengthens into a tail.<br>
"Fur to keep yourself dry," the mysterious thought says. as your body grows a thick coat of fur.<br>
"Webbing to swim with." You look down examining your hands and feet as they tingle strangely, shrinking down slightly and thickening as webbing forms between the digits. <br>
"Instincts to survive with." Your head begins to buzz strange feelings and sensations whip through your thoughts as the vague pattern of instincts overlay and weave into your own personality. You shake your head trying to clear the strange desires from head.<br>
"Ears to hear with," as your ears change; your own complicated ears slide into the side of your skull vanishing entirely as your new ears slide up from the top of your head poking through your hair, twitching at the changes. They grow still as sounds flood in, the gurgling of the stream and the chirping of birds.<br>
"A muzzle to eat and smell with," as your mouth stretches out, joining with your nose.<br>
"Eyes to see with underwater," you go blind temporarily and then suddenly you can see again with your new eyes.<br>
"Paws to swim with," as your feet change shape, looking more like paws then human feet.<br>
"I think we can now say goodbye, Mr Otter," the thought goes through your mind and then silence. You swim around getting used to the river and then instinct tells you that you have a home which you swim to.
Written by catprog+TobyFox on 21 February 2012
The end (for now)