You look at him, your soft amber eyes watching him. Something about his face seems familiar to you though you can't place what it is. You contemplate his words. The words "do you want to go home?" kept repeating in your mind. You feel a different kind of discomfort in your stomach. Though is very different from your labor pains or even your day after sickness. There was an emptiness, almost as if I was hungry but with a hungry you are unable to satisfy. You look at him and push yourself back on the furs, holding yourself up with your hands before you say to him in a soft voice. "What do you mean go home… I live here. I have a mate and now some beautiful cubs. What are you… what are you talking about?"
The genie looks back to you and gives you a sly smirk before letting out a soft chuckle. "I believe there may be an emptiness in you which you cannot fill, a whispering in your ear that you can't understand but yet is in you all the same." He says in a soft yet deep voice. He then puts his hand on your leg, and you feel what a surge of energy runs through you. He then looks at you and says. "You'll notice your stomach is calm for the moment." He then takes his hand off your leg and begins to float out of the tent, curling his finger as he walks to impelling you to come outside.
You watch him for a second, contemplating going outside with him. You gently place your hands on your stomach and to your amazement you realize he was right, the pain from giving birth had subsided for the minute. You look down at your stomach can try to think of what you had just done but can't remember what was,. You don't remember who your family or friends are. You look at your belly for a few seconds genuinely considering whether or not to take the chance to go home. Do you want an opportunity to reconnect with your old life? As you think about it the whisper of, nausea, whatever it was, pulls you into a decision. You want to follow the genie.
You let out a groan and push yourself up and off the bed. As you feel the full weight of your body on your legs for the first time in several days you almost fall down to the ground. Your legs are sore and even though you are no longer carrying your Cubs in your belly, you feel weirdly off. You stamp your feet into the ground to try to regain your sense of self before you push forward out of the tent. You see the genie standing in the field outside of the shaman's tent just looking out at the distance watching something. You slowly walk towards the genie feeling the muscles in your legs start to wake up, pulling just a bit as it had been days since you were last able to stand. You make your way up to the genie's side, he turns and looks at you and gives you a small smile. "I see the call of knowledge is too compelling even for someone who is contented where they are.”
You nod sheepishly and look down at the grass beneath your feet before you say softly. "For sometime I have had questions about who I… Who I was." The genie lets out an understanding grunt before he says. "Well I cannot tell you who you were as I do not possess that knowledge, it is locked in your brain. Let us take a look at what you have in there." He then places his head against yours
Written by kamenriderfire on 08 March 2018