The deal
"Your Lordship, I must confess that I am actually of the human race, but was transformed into a dragon by an unknown spell, and have been in this form ever since. As such, I have knowledge of the castle that may be of use in disposing of this usurper."
Vralylth starts, and the guards ready their weapons. "Well then, tell me your story, for I am sure it is an interesting one."
You then tell him of your entire adventure till now. When you finish, he says thoughtfully, "Your story is indeed fascinating. I do not know what this magic you speak of consists of, but our own magi may be able to make sense of this, or at least, find a temporary solution."
"As for you. You have shown great courage in admitting your true nature to us, after what your kind have done, but in all this time, you have not shown any hostility towards us and appear innocent of the crimes that besmirch others of your race."
"Therefore, we shall give you a chance to prove yourself our ally, and not our enemy. Find a way to eliminate this usurper, and we shall accept you as friend and help you however we can." He looks you in the eye. "Betray us, and the consequences will be dire."
This may be a chance to help you get out of this world, or even this crazy game.
Should you accept?
Written by drakrrth on 10 December 2008