A guard
"Who, in the name of Dragonlord Vralylth, dares to challenge His Lordship's guard?!"
"Forgive my implusiveness, but I had mistaken you for a hostile creature of the wild, and reacted reflexively. I meant no offense," you apologize.
"No offense taken, young one. However, please be cautious, as a challenge is not to be taken lightly," comes the reply. As the speaker steps into the light, you notice that it is another dragon, who is copper-coloured and humanoid, and is wielding a massive halberd.
He continues, "The clan is glad to welcome a fellow dragon, be he traveller or otherwise, for we could use another ally against the Great Evil. But for now, do enter the company of His Lordship, for he will curious as to what a young dragon is doing by himself in this dangerous area. Unless, of course, you have further business to attend to."
Do you accept the offer and enter?
Written by drakrrth on 08 December 2008