A cure?
“Regardless of what you were before,” the genie says. “You are a mystical creature of the female persuasion now. You should be thanking me, you know. Not everyone is so fortunate to be blessed as you.”
“Blessed?” You ask between the rough rumbles of a growl. “I am a man! I liked being a human man! Turn me back or so help me…” The toes of your large front paws spread wide. You feel your long claws reach out and dig deeper into the sands beneath you. Your body moves naturally. You’re angry. You want to attack this creature what has turned you into a monster, so your hind quarters rise up and your wings flatten against your back. Your shoulders hunch as your head drops low to the ground. You can feel your feathers tickling the soft fur of your flank and your breasts kiss the hot sand, but the heat doesn’t bother you in the least and all your attention is focused on the genie. “I’ll tear you apart.”
The threat you pose is great, for the genie begins to levitate higher in the air and he backs several paces from you. He raises a hand and smiles deviously. Despite his poise, you realize you can smell his fear. The unique fragrance makes it feel as if every hair on your newly transformed body is standing on end. You have to lap away the saliva collecting on your lips and swallow the pool building in your mouth so that you don’t begin to drool. The sharp points of your fangs tease your tongue. You are confident that you are not a force to be taken lightly.
“Now wait just a moment,” the genie says. “I gave you this gift, but if you truly do not want it then I can provide you with the cure.”
You lift your head just a touch in excitement. “A cure?” You are still ready to jump, but you hope that, perhaps, it won’t come to all that.
“Yes.” The genie snaps his fingers and a beautiful, small, crystal bottle with an elegant glass stopper appears above his hand. It floats there before he seizes it between his forefinger and thumb. He turns the bottle slowly so that the light reflecting through its body dances in a way that nearly mesmerizes you. “A potion that can turn you into the form you truly desire most.”
Written by on 18 March 2019