You had to address the elephant in the room. What was this odd facility you just came across. It was clear you had just come from here, so what was everything all about? Something didn’t seem to add up here, and your gut told you that it had everything to do with this eerie presence.
It took a moment, but soon after slowly padding your way to a ridge overlooking the main entrance; a vantage point, overlooking the building, you began evaluating how you could find more information about this strange place. Though it wasn’t heavily guarded, only one guard, and what seemed to be a few surveillance cameras were the first thing you noticed. From above you were also able to check out the lower levels nestled deeper within a pit in the earth which seemed to be thousands of meters deep. Your focused eyes peered far down onto the lower level and noticed that you could see the tops of peoples’ heads below.
“Glass?” The idea came to you as you continued to consider your options.
Written by Driftingdragon on 24 December 2020