Denounce other pack’s leade
“I don’t particularly agree with that.” You mentioned. “I don’t know, I’ve just had a bit of loyalty formed to the original group I’ve been in y’know, we’ve all been through so much together and-”
“Well, listen.” the female started to become a bit visibly irritated at you. “You haven’t seen the real face of our original leader the way I have, and you haven’t given the new leader a chance, like I have. So just hear me out, things really aren’t what they seem.” She warned. Still, you were sure of yourself, you were sure about how you would have carved your own journey, that was all just poppycock to you.
“Okay. Well I’ll hear you out at least. I’m glad we can all at least form diverse bonds or whatever.” You said, trailing off there at the end as you didn’t really fully believe what you were saying.
“How about this, you can stay in your lane, and I will stay in my own.” That final comment really showed you that the seal was still bitter at you for some reason. The insecurities after everything that had happened between you two had compiled to the point where it’d be almost impossible for you to do anything to fix this at this point.
That night, you slept pretty well, so it was strange to you, that you were awoken in the middle of the night. It was actually the female seal from earlier.
“I’ve been waiting so long to finally do this.” She said before stepping to the side. In the pale light of the moon, you were able to see the leader of the other pack stepping out from behind her. His massiveness made it easy to subdue you and drag you off into the night. Still, you heard the two of them speaking as the last bits of you slipped out of your transformation. “I knew from the beginning, she never thought I did. She just tried to take my place, and everyone just let her. First we take care of her, next we take care of the leader.”
“Right. They’re all bad seals for letting all this happen anyway, thankfully, out of all that, you’ve become one of my greatest allies, one of the only good things that came from the integration.”
Written by Drifting Dragon on 29 November 2023
The end (for now)