It must be lyCANthropy! Get it? ...Never mind.
For a moment, you can't move. The shock is just too much. Eventually, you try to stand up, only to fall back down onto your four new paws again. You try to speak; nothing comes out but a strangled yelp. You have no hands. All the colors are missing from your vision, and the barrage of smells assaulting your elongated nose threatens to overwhelm your already stressed brain.
You are a wolf - no longer a human - and there seems to be nothing you can do about it.
The next few minutes are a bit of a blur. All you remember afterwards is running around the room like a mad thing, tripping over your own paws and knocking things over. You have a vague memory of trying to pull your fur off with your teeth. It doesn't work.
Unfortunately, panicking makes a lot of noise. You're jolted back to your senses by a knock at the door and a voice outside.
"Are you all right in there?"
Written by Chrysalis on 01 May 2008
The end (for now)