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You look at the human. Yep he or even she you can't tell is very much nearly a fish. The question is, is the mind affected as well or just the body… well, an easy question first: "Do you know what I am?"


The… semi-human creature… tilts its head to aim one lidless eye at you. While waiting for the creature to speak, you start munching on your smoked leg. You only manage to chew and swallow one good bite before it replies: "No, I have not seen anything like you before"


Interesting. "I am an anthropomorphized sphinx," you explain. "And I am investigating the marks which have appeared on you, and many others. Tell me of your condition, starting at its very inception."


"it started with a patch of scales on my hand and contiuned up and then across to the other hand. It also spread down and up at the same time."


"And when did the first-" munch, munch "-patch of scales appear?"


"a long time ago. probably 6 or 7 years maybe"


"Describe anything-" swallow, bite, munch munch "-you recall as having changed-" munch "-or first appeared, in or around your home-" munch, munch "-7 or 8 years ago."


"That was when the wells started flowing, and there has been less rain. which is quite good for our crops..."

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 20 October 2010

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