The Story Begins
Since this is not a first person story, please choose a character to follow:
Jake Warrens: the leader of a small refugee group that has converted an office building into a hide-out.
Laura Hawkins: a forest-ranger who's avoided detection by avoiding major cities since the invasion. She's mostly a loner.
Rysthin Dor'Vool: A seasoned radinri scout and hunter, recently assigned to earth.
Ry William: A 10-year-old mature kid who trained himself to fight. An excellent fighter, and not too shabby with guns and bows. A kind spirit. Doesn't kill. Is a peace-maker, but likes to punch first and ask questions later. Believes peace can be made between humans and Radinri. Is very good with animals.
Matteus Spail:Survivor from Africa
Written by on 01 July 2008
Laura's Story
It was cold again, but then, it always seemed cold in the Alaskan forests. Laura sipped a hot cup of cocoa and then peered back out the window of the old ranger station. A rifle sat on the bookshelf in front of the window, with a powerful scope attached to it. This was how she had survived thus far, keeping a watchful eye on the horizon and being selective with her targets. For two years she'd done this. In fact, two radinri hunters had fallen prey to her deadly aim in the past month. She worried what the repercussions of killing radinri might be, but after 27 months she no longer really cared.
Written by LorikFurdin on 03 July 2008
In a moment, the calm silence of the wilderness was broken.
"Attention, Human," boomed a voice. Laura sprang to find its source. She looked out the window...nothing. She looked out the other window...still nothing. Finally, she poked her head out the door...still nothing. "We are under orders to take you prisoner," the voice continued. It seemed to be coming from above her. She looked up, only to find gray sky. "If you do not comply, we are authorized to kill you. Come out into the open unarmed and you will not be killed," there was a pause, "that is, you will not be killed right away."
Written by Zodiac on 04 July 2008
Laura knew better than to trust Radinri, especially Radinri treacherous enough to use invisibility. If they wanted to take her prisoner, she decided, they'd have to come and get her. She grabbed her rifle and backed up against the wall next to the window, facing the door. The windows of the ranger station were too small for a Radinri to fit through, so their only entrance point would be the door. She had her gun, and they had theirs--she might die, but at least she'd make an honorable last stand. The voice spoke again: "We are speaking from a cloaked Radinri warship. You have no hope of fighting back. Please, just come out. They're going to kill you if you don't." Laura just waited, poised to meet her assailants. "I've been told to give you five seconds to comply. Five...four...three...two...one..."
Laura waited. At any moment they would burst through her door. They had probably sent more than one this time, but maybe she could take at least the first one down. Besides, the Radinri couldn't be as powerful as they said they were, otherwise they wouldn't be negoti--
A sudden blast from the warship's plasma cannon cut short Laura's thoughts. In a fraction of a second, Laura, her ranger station, and her trusty rifle, were all reduced to a smoldering crater in the otherwise pristine forest. The warship hovered for a moment to ensure that their quarry had, in fact, been killed, and then sped away. That human had been a nuisance, and perhaps the closest thing the Radinri would see to a worthy adversary among those pathetic primates, but if she was enough of a fool to try and fight a warship with a bullet-gun, she didn't deserve the chance they were giving her.
Written by Zodiac on 04 July 2008
The end (for now)