You thought to yourself for a moment as he stood there waiting. His eyes seemed to grow more impatient by the moment, and his folded arms and tapping foot only seemed to distract you from your choice.
“Wait, what was that first option?” you thought to yourself? “Uhh how about woodcutting!” you paused for a moment to let the stranger speak, and after a short moment of shared silence, he replied with a confused cadence to his words.
"You… uhh.. woodcutting?" He asked with a furrowed brow, and defensively folded arms. Your gut felt a sinking feeling when you watched how he looked you up and down slowly "you are sure about that?" Something in his tone sounded particularly condescending as he giggled slightly just to force the words out. "Not really the kind of job I would expect someone like you to have any interest in… usually a pretty malr dominated field. PLUS, miss, that was just a little example- a joke even!"
"Yeah! I'm sure!" You said, without any indication that he was finished. At this point you didn't seem to care what 'woodcutting' could have had in store for you. All you could think about was how male dominated jobs tended to make the most money, so you were ‘balls deep’ about putting out the most work in order to get the most amount of money.
Written by catprog on 07 March 2021
The end (for now)