“There is an unseen danger here, and it’s actually much slower than what you would expect. I can feel it. It’s just underneath the surface, watching, waiting in hiding for the right opportunity to strike.” You said, attempting to sound a bit more distressed than you were. Honestly you were doing quite the good job to huff and puff your chest in order to look particularly exhausted. Slowly, you started to come up with more of a story. Of course, in every story there’s always a bit of truth, and from what you had seen earlier, one of the first things that popped into your mind after diving down into the icy depths started to spill out. “Orcas…” you mentioned.
Suddenly, an audible gasp rang through the crowd and you could notice the other starting to gather around you. They took the time to check out your four flippers digging hard into the thin crunchy layer of snowy ice underneath you.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 22 January 2024
The end (for now)