Water creating items?
The question now is, what are you going to do about it? Can you do something about it? It's not like you can make the problem go away by magic... or is it..? Wait—this is a world with magic in it. If magic could solve the problem, surely some of the wizards would have at least tried to do that, wouldn't they? On your request, the library's disembodied Voice directs you to a shelf full of tomes which describe large-scale magical projects. You scan the first few pages of each, discarding the ones which were apparently never put into practice, and sorting the rest according to when they were implemented.
You find a book descibing a drought and a large amount of water creating items produced to combat it. So lot of water being created and a rise in sea water... Interesting: Water vapor is a greenhouse gas, isn't it? And more water means more evaporation means more water vapor in the air means more greenhouse effect means more heat means... You shake your head, cutting off that circular logic loop. Still, the chain of reasoning feels right; maybe that's because sphinxes have an affinity for riddles, and you're working on a very big riddle. Magically-enhanced reasoning?
Written by Catprog & Cubist on 01 October 2010