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A Village star star star emptystar emptystar

You look down and see a large expanse of bare sand... ah, there's a large patch of green!. Gliding closer in, you see lush fields and humans planting. You also see a city, or perhaps it's a large village, with many buildings that seem a lot newer then the others. This is a good opportunity to see if everybody on this planet wants to kill sphinxes on sight; you start your descent, drifting down in a slow, wide, spiral, so that everyone who lives in this place will be able to see you clearly. If they're hostile, they'll fire crossbows or something, and you can fly safely away, right?


The humans notice you and one runs off but the others keep looking at you. Interesting, but not conclusive; will that one person come back with friends? And if so, will the friends be armed? You bid your time, circling overhead.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 14 October 2010

Female In the Village

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