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You've gone through some massive changes, from the costume to the blue deer to the anthropomorphizing spell... Could all of that magic have somehow damaged your mind? This is a worrisome thought; if your mind gets warped too much, you might not be able to work on solving this world's flooding problem, let alone move on to the next world when your next costume shows up! You rise up and stretch in silence, then quietly pad on back to the tower's library.


There are a few relatively slim tomes specifically devoted to harmful side-effects of magic; there are also occasional passages scattered randomly through every book that deals with magic. You page rapidly through a few dozen books on magic, scanning for specific terms related to magical side-effects. As you scan the books, you get the idea that the wizard who built this tower was heavily into experiments on animal subjects. Reducing minds to an animal state didn't seem to be on his agenda, but various notes suggest that that sort of thing could easily happen to anybody who was foolish enough to mis-cast his spells! And you did mis-cast the anthropomorphizing spell, didn't you?

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 09 October 2010

Female Re cast the anthro spell

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