I am standing in a plane, soaring high above the ever-stretching ocean. Bounding waves send flashes of the sun’s reflection up at me, as if beckoning me. I loom over the edge of the hatch to see an approaching island. I signed up for a reality TV show that had me and a few other people sent to a remote island to work together in order to survive. They never told us much and kept everything rather vague, but the cash prize was enough to get me to this point. No turning back now. I’m a 25 yr old male, 6’ and fit. I can handle this, right?
“Alright, it’s time to jump.” The pilot notifies me to exit the plane.
I turn and look over my shoulder at the pilot who was mostly hidden by his seat. The craft is small, meant to transport only one passenger. I was knelt with a parachute strapped to my back. My nerves are going crazy from the heights. I take a moment and breathe. I take one final deep breath and, leap. I’m falling now. The wind rushing around my body as I free fall. My mid length, dark brown hair flows and pushes back. I scream for a moment before calming down. I keep my body open to stay at a slow pace until I relax.
I lift my head to see the horizon. The water below stretches far into the distance. Now calm and focused, filled with determination, I nose dive. The island now fast approaching, I discharge my chute. With a loud fwap, the material releases and unfolds, bringing my fall to a near halt in an instant. I drift down to the tree line. I steer to an opening and land on my feet with some force that causes me to lose footing. I regain myself, removing the pack. I look around, I’m standing in the middle of an open section within the heavy forestation. No other contestants in sight.
A noise draws my attention behind me. A crate was dropped giving me supplies. Without hesitation, I dart over and open the large wooden box. Inside is a rope length strip of paracord, a med kit, food rations, machete, knife, fire starter, etc and backpack. I gather my given utensils into the bag and swing it over my shoulders. Now alone and with no idea what to do or where to go, I sigh and set off.
Written by Nero Hopps on 07 June 2018