They get away! For now...
Jake prayed silently for the saftey of his squadron. They needed to survive if they wanted to save the refugees back at home base. The other two silently screwed on silencers to their pistols while the hunter lie down leziurely on the warm asphalt outside.
Taking aim at his head, they unloaded all of their ammo into the predator, killing him on the spot. Breathing heavily, they lower their depleted weapons and try to get theirselves under control.
"D-dear God... that was too close..." says one, crying and shaking.
"I... I don't want to be captured." she continues. "This is getting t-too much. Humans aren't supposed to be hunted like this!"
"I know. Shh, calm down. We'll get through this. Remember, the good guys always win." Says Jake, hugging her and rocking back and forth, crying as well.
"Try to stay quiet, there may be more around. And hey, we got plenty of ice cream for when we get back!" Says the other one, male, in a halfhearted attempt to cheer her up.
She sobs once more and dries her tears. "O-okay... let's go back to home base. I'm sure everyone's getting worried about us."
They make it back without much event, though since they were out of ammo, it was even more stressful than before. It was getting dark, and they kept imagining they saw taur-like creatures in the shadows. Once or twice the female of the group broke down crying when she thought about the end of humanity, being hunted down and turned into animals... it terrified her to no end. She wanted to see her family again, but they were kidnapped. The other two had similar stories and shared her views as well.
They finally get into the building just as the moon was beginning to rise. Pulling in the grocery cart full of things that they needed, the refugees greeted them with quiet cheers of congratulations. Everyone had a nice dinner consisting of gourmet microwave T.V. dinners and quickie pizzas that cook in ten minutes in the oven. Everyone fell asleep and the elated feeling of victory slowly went away
as the night wore on, just like every other night.
When midnight came around, things started to get worse.... it had felt like the three members of the team had not been alone last night. Their suspicions were confirmed when they heard shouting at the front door.
"They're in here! A whole scat-load of humans!" the voice sounded worse than death to the refugee's ears.
"We followed them yesterday when they killed Vs'stall in front of the food holding building yesterday. They're ours for the taking, now! Arm your weapons!"
Jake huddled under the desk with the two from his mission the previous day while the refugees hid as well... no firearms, no protection from lasers.
"Gentlemen... I'm afraid that this looks like the end." said Jake, tears streaming down his face.
Just then, a red dot appeared on the front door, which the refugees had reinforced with titanium alloy. It was, of course, nothing to the Radinri's lasers. The dot travelled up the frame, accross the top, and down the other side. Eventually, the door fell into the room and on the other side stood three hunters, poised with lasers.
"All humans come out now! Co-operate and we may spare your lives!" Shouted the leader
Written by Kibaoftheleaves on 05 August 2008
The end (for now)