Thankful and eager to get in from out of the rain you agree. The stranger starts leading you by claw-tipped hand, walking along the road until he points at an open establishment. It is some sort of diner positioned on the corner of the street. Not many people are inside right now, so it must be before or after lunchtime. Your new companion escorts you over the precipice and you make sure to tighten the coat over your chest and around your thighs, keenly aware of your lack of modesty.
Five minutes later you are both sat at a table still waiting for a waitress who does not look to be in any hurry. At least you do not feel hungry, just wet and a little cold even with the fur coat as you shiver a little whilst dripping over the fake leather seat. Now that you are indoors and almost adjusted to your new physical situation you are beginning to make more observations about both your environment and the other anthropomorphic manticores around you.
Although all of the inhabitants of this city seem to approximately follow the same anatomical layout and physical traits of what the costume has given you, there are variations that you have begun noticing. These variations range from differing coloured manes and eyes to curled or straight tusks. Each has their own individual variation, almost synonymous with ethnicity or even dog breeds when you really think about it. The male intrigued by you for example has a far more auburn mane compared to yours, larger tusks and cool grey eyes as opposed to your blood red irises.
‘You’re quiet.’ The male says, breaking you out from your silent observations.
‘Yeah, well.’ You hold your tongue, not sure if you should admit anything so soon before you have figured anything out yourself. ‘I didn’t think I’d be doing any of this today.’
‘Naked in the street? That’s not normal, especially in this weather.’ He grins, looks down at the table and now back to you. ‘Are you from the country?’
Written by iscin on 20 December 2017