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Reality Hopping star star star emptystar emptystar

In this story you can hop between realities following these rules:


No more then


These measurements are based on your home reality.


Your home reality is the one where you start your journey from.


When you hop to another reality you switch your mind with anybody who is there already.


If you hop to a different reality then your home reality from another reality then:


Reality 3 contains you.
Reality 2 contains the person from reality 3
Your home reality contains the person from reality 2


If someone dies then the person whose reality he/she home reality changes to that of the person who died. (Using the example above , if the person in your home reality dies your home reality becomes reality 2. If the person in reality 2 dies then the home reality of the person from reality 2 becomes

Written by Catprog on 22 August 2004

The Not-Quite-Earth star star star emptystar emptystar

You awaken in your normal bed, at the normal time, in the abnormal fashion of having 15,000 cubic meters of the Pacific ocean dumped on your front lawn, quite unexpectedly.


You must have missed the reality hop this time ...

Written by Jarrod on 04 November 2006

Animal TF star halfstar emptystar emptystar emptystar

As you are lying in bed you feel funny. You get up , only to see that you are changing. But to what?

Written by catprog on 09 April 2007

Tiger emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

The first thing you see after this jump is the light pulling you towards a spaceship.


The second is getting covered in some sort of goo which seeps into your skin, following some strange sensations throughout your body. Things quickly begin feeling much warmer around you.


While this is happening you look around, it seem like you're in some sort of cell , the force field stopping you from leaving. There is a bed, sink and toilet, along with a bowl of water.


The wall opens up and you see a camera arm watching you , along with what appears to be more of the goo in syringes in a variety of shades of the same one color, but none too dissimilar from one another in any key ways.


The goo seems to have affected your clothing as it seems to be falling apart as the camera watches. You try and hold them together but it falls apart in your hands, during this you discover that your skin feels a few degrees softer than what you are used to. You find this odd, but information that is of little use to you, so you put in the back of your mind for now.


One syringe arm is now approaching you, while backing away you get a jolt having backed into the force field and the syringe drains into your chest. The other syringe arms have hidden themselves back into the wall. The only thing left is the camera watching your chest intently, waiting for something, what that could be summons a few feelings of fear and discomfort. The anticipation swiftly wears upon your psyche.


The something soon is clear as striped fur grows over your chest, spreading from the point of injection. You try and remember what you wished for as you jumped into this reality. Animal transformation wasn't it? Perhaps it is a tiger that you're becoming?


While you are looking at your chest you feel a prick behind you and you turn to see another syringe has drained itself into you. And you see the tell-tale sign of a tail growing. Long and fluffy quite matching to your hypothesis that it is indeed a tiger you are changing into.


But just who is in charge here you wonder, hoping that you can get out at some point. By this juncture in time your skin has developed a fine fur all over. If you look close enough you can even see the stripes in it slowly forming in a wonderfully intricate pattern all over your fluffy new body.


You scratch an itch on your arm, all this hair is a little itchy as hair tends to be. OW! You accidentally prick yourself, it's not just fur, your hands are changing shape, they're a little bigger now and those sharp black claws mean serious business. They'd be perfect for dealing with anyone who comes your way and tries crossing you, but you may want to be more careful with them in case anymore of those itches show up. Fortunately you remember that tiger claws are retractable and put them away for now.


You feel a prick in the ears and brace yourself for the change, you feel them stretch up into what you assume are their new feline shape. Surprisingly you can hear the mechanical noises behind the wall as the arms move, ready to ambush you once more for potentially more changes or perhaps something far more sinister. What are these changes even for? Are you some kind of super soldier meant to fight an interplanetary war with some martians? Or maybe even against the earthlings? Or perhaps this is some crazy new futuristic health treatment with some very vivid hallucinations?


This is the point where you realize you have not eaten and your stomach is getting alarmingly noisy. A plate of meat slides out almost as soon as you come to this knowledge of your status. With the changes so far you realize the meat is almost certainly tainted with the goo but you are starving and the delicious smell finally overcomes you. As you eat you feel your mouth and nose stretch out, the new muzzle forming, as the rest of the head reshapes. This does make it difficult to eat, but not impossible. The meat has a somewhat smoky flavor to it and you find it to your liking.


You look between the force field and the bowl of water before tossing the water over the force field, watching it fizzle as it shorts out. Now that you are free it is time to seek out the aliens behind this experiment.

Written by HawlSera + Catprog on 28 November 2013

Outside the Cell emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You look outside the cell, taking in the row of cells. The first thing other then the cells is the single door blocking the exit into space.


You feel your body still shifting as you explore the cells. It seems like you are the only one inside for the moment. When you look down you realize your paws have formed and you are walking on your toes. Your walk becomes quite clumsy as you nearly trip, it's very akin to wearing high heels for the first time. But it seems like your mind is changing as well as if you forget about it, your walk is becoming quite natural. Soon you find yourself skipping and hopping happily as if you were born like this.


After walking around the edge of the cages to what you believe is the opposite wall to space you find another door. By the door you find a control panel. Pushing the open button however does not open the door and it flashes red.


Taking your new claws out you slice open the control panel. Inside you can clearly see the circuitry to open the door. Once you have opened it and gone through you find yourself on a balcony overlooking a large open area. At first their is no trace of the aliens until you come to the realization that the balloons you've noticed floating around are actually the aliens in question.


You watch for a moment admiring how efficiently they move around before resuming the search for a way off the ship. Your new stripy fur helping you hide in the shadows.


This is the time the alarm sounds and at first you think your escape has been discovered. However when the ship is shaken you realise the ship is under attack. Strangely for a moment you feel your own center of gravity shifting, more forwards than before.


Sticking to the shadows you move around looking for any sort of escape pod or some other way of getting off the ship. Luckily the aliens seem to be focused on the battle and you find an escape pod and escape.


You notice the seats in the escape pod are quite comfortable, the act of merely sitting seems be far more pleasant than it did before. Was this something to do with the seat or was having a stripy butt a really swell thing. It's like you couldn't feel the more sensitive parts of your body at all! Of course it could just be a very comfortable seat.


Despite a few close calls with weapons and what appears to be a dragon you make it out of the battlefield and the balloon aliens shimmer and disappear, for now. The other group approach your pod and before you can do anything you find yourself inside one of their ships.


Written by HawlSera + Catprog on 30 November 2013

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