Another few days
The days fly by, one by one, as the next week comes with you and Ethan enjoying yourselves, taking walks talking and just doing stuff. You are surprised how life is simple here, but you admit you enjoy it. It is peaceful and tranquil and despite yourself you find yourself liking it more and more as the weekend approaches. The sheep lady had summoned the citizens once more to the tow hall 2 days before the time was up to inform everyone that the organizers do indeed intend to keep their end of the bargain.
"well that's good!" both you and Ethan declare at the same time before looking at each other and blushing.
"Not that the time we spent together was bad! It was amazing in fact!" Ethan tells you, attempting to make the situation less awkward for the both of you. In the commotion you tell him its quite alright.
"Likewise Ethan, I almost forgot that..." you tell him, before realizing that you were male... you are male in real life. You turn away and blush in shame, how could have you forgotten? Its this stupid costume... 12 days and you are already forgetting your old life... you suddenly feel glad you are leaving this place. Ethan notices this but he decides not to push it.
"Two more days... your going to be alright." He tells you, comforting you as the commotion dies down and everyone starts talking about what to do when the time comes.
"I hope so..." you utter silently and he barely hears you. You exhale before turning towards him. "honestly... I don't know how I will adjust back to real life once this is all over." You tell him and he gives you a sad face. You are quick to correct yourself. "Not that my time here was bad! But... different" you add and the two of you stare at each other as the commotion continues.
"You will be alright." He repeats himself as the two of you listen to the remaining of the meeting before heading home. The sheep woman informed you all that the organizers want to throw another party for the end of the duration of your stay. You both decide to attend it, after all might as well enjoy your last moment s here. Silently you wonder.
"Ethan... will I ever see you again after we... you know." You ask him meekly and he smiles at you as the two of you are doing housework.
"Of course!" he responds eagerly. "We will exchange contact info and all that!" he eagerly responds. You wave your head however.
"I don't think you understand..." you elaborate and he raises one scaly eyebrow. "wont you be bothered by the fact that Im... you know... male in real life?" you ask him and at first he seems sad but then he laughs, mostly to cover his sadness.
"Silly girl!" he teases. "I told you once before!" he says as he takes your chin into his hands. "In fact I would enjoy having a friend like you in real life. Your good." He tells you and boops you, turning around to continue doing his chores. You smile with happiness but sigh.
Written by Luksinatriks on 22 May 2018