Something Doesn
A soft snort comes from you when you scent something else on the wind. Immediately you get to your paws, urging first your daughter and then your son back into the den. The kits are bewildered, not sure what is going on, but do as you motion for them to do. Then you sit outside the opening to the den, ears pinned back and fur bristling.
Sure enough here comes the badger that was sharing the territory with your family. He is sniffing the ground, searching for an easy meal, and you can feel your naturally defensive nature kick in. Your kits are in the den... And this badger can be a real threat to them. You need to run him off... Because if he gets in the den with your little ones it will all be over.
You dig your claws into the ground, ears pinned back as you stand your ground. The badger is watching you wearily, though still edging closer much to your dismay. If your mate had been there it would have been easier to defend the den... But right now it is you alone. You will need to be careful to not let the badger slip past you into the den.
When the badger gets too close you snap your jaws in it’s direction, hoping the motion will at least startle it into backing up some. He does just that, turning his lumbering head in your direction. It is now or never.
Charging forward you snap your jaws at the other creature again. The badger snaps back, but keeps backing away, neither of you getting a hold on the other or drawing blood.
Your golden eyes are narrowed, lips peeled back in a snarl as you charge again. This time the badger turns tail, running off into the undergrowth. Though you don’t think this is the end of him. He will likely be back, looking for an easy meal once more. But at least for the moment your kits are safe.
To reassure yourself you slip into the den, going through the tunnel within until you find your little ones. Your babies are confused, but unharmed, and without further ado you begin to groom them to settle yourself down. The feeling of your heart racing will not settle right away, adrenaline pumping through you. No matter what happens you know that you must make sure your babies are safe from that badger.
Written by ShatteredBeginnings on 03 March 2017