Win the War
"The Vulpine Elders used to speak of a Kee who could wield fire. This Fox would come among us in our greatest time of need and vanquish the onslaught." They explain.
Being a bit more perceptive to your situation, you listen to them this time, heading their instructions. There was only one day left now. With the rising of the sun, you would fulfill your destiny. The remainder of the night was spent learning your fire gift in preparation for...
Morning! As the crack of dawn peaked through the few holes in the chasm, the army had reappeared. At the entrance to the city, tanks APCs and thousands of troops marched toward the city center. You were given your instructions the night before and now it was up to you. Could this be true? Would you stand against an armada? You steel your nerve and stand in the middle of the street. With mutterings and signs you stare down the army. A split second and the world stops as if a crack in the fabric of reality tore at time, halting it. Flame wells from your paws, a small kindle growing to a mammoth sized pyre. As you reach your arms up, the flame glistens like a ray of hope for your kind. And, in a sudden terrible second, the fire is washed upon the invaders. Almost every last soul perishes at your paw. And the army... Decimated.
A single soldier remains, the wolf from before. The wolf drops his gun and runs toward you. With your spell spent you sprint for cover. Nothing can stop him, he's on your tails as fast as possible. Two of the rebels block his path to the building doorway as soon as you dart through but they cannot stop him. A mere slowing of his pace however, is all you needed and you can finish your destiny here.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 28 November 2013