Fox to human to deer
You are suddenly human for a brief moment but then you begin to change. You feel a bulge from your behind you looked, the was a deer’s tail growing out, your ears grew longer and moved to the top of your head, your nose and mouth bulged forward and fussed together, your index and middle finger fused to form a hoof, your ring and pinky also formed a hoof, your thumb shrinks into your hand, your hand forms a dear paw, fur travel up your arms, your shoulders shifted, painfully, into more of a downward position, your arms also shift into more of deer like legs, you suddenly could no longer stand up right as your hips shifted, white fur covers your chest and stomach and brownish red fur covers your sides and back, you emitted a sound that was a combination of a deer squeal and a human moan, fur covers your face, your eyes turned dark, your legs thinned out and your feet became deer feet, and your knees bend backward, you are now full dear. Before you are 4 doors. One with with a symbole of stairs going up and one going down. One goes to a Dinning hall. And the last looks as though it leads to more options.
Written by Hnhn on 28 October 2008
The end (for now)