Go back
“Hey, this was fun, but I promised you that I was going to make sure you’d get back in time.” The sentiment made him shoot you a warm smile. You nodded back at him, urging him to take your advice. You knew the time was ticking.
“Okay. I really appreciate the reminder.” He said. “We can go back, but I’d love to spend some more time with you at some point.” He continued.
“Yes, likewise!” You said before the two of you started heading back. You felt as though you were doing the right thing by the end of this. You two made your way back on time, but as you were swimming back, something seemed a bit different.
The waters were quite- too quiet. Your stomach started to fill with some kind of heavy anxiety which almost even weighed you down as you were swimming. The leader on the other hand was actually quite exhausted, as his thick heavy fat weighed him down and the long trip had already taken a lot out of him, on top of that, the two of you were swimming for some time.
Suddenly, you noticed that the others were in distress. The new members of the group had somehow disappeared and the only thing that you could see were your own group’s members running in fear from something unseen. There were shadows all around you coming up and down from underneath. You could tell that this had been going on for a while now- about as long as you were gone most likely, but at this point, it was clear that everyone else had become exhausted from how long they were swimming around.
Everyone was starting to slow down as the pod of 7 or 8 orcas dipped and dived all around you. Before long, you couldn’t even see the group leader behind you, but you did see an orca swimming up rapidly right behind you. You swam and swam and swam until you couldn’t swim anymore. You just kept going though, you figured that if you just kept running from your problems then you would eventually make your way out of it.
I mean, you already knew that if you went out of bounds, then your story would reset anyway. Hence your plan would eventually work, slowly, you started to feel more apart of your body as you faded out. The water around you became light fluffy air as you ported right back to the start, completely unable to fathom how much damage you had done this time around. You did feel a bit guilty, but hey, what was guilt to the magic engrained into these strange suits of yours. Whatever, you’d just start again and try better next time anyway.
Written by Drifting Dragon on 19 October 2023
The end (for now)