6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
The Author, Lycan Gruff
You blink in confusion, looking at your surroundings and wondering what the heck is going on. You’d thought this gig would have been a good publicity stunt, but now you’re starting to have second thoughts.
And who could blame you for that? You’d signed on to boost sales of your latest venture into science fiction; not to be trapped beneath some shimmering blue dome that looked like it was straight out of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Which is a little ironic, given that you’d used some of that film as a basis for your book.
Either way, it doesn’t look like you’ve got too good of a shot at getting off of this damnable place by just standing here. Unfortunately for you, it also looks like the rest of the people on this island aren’t nearly as intelligent as you, meaning it’s up to you to get out. Using your vast imagination, above-average intellect, and okay physical fitness, it’s up to you to get everyone out of here!
Once you figure out a direction to go in, that is. At least this island seems to have a variety of different biomes…
Written by SketchySeraph on 11 November 2015
To the Woods
While you could head towards the beach or even the jungle, it’s the almost peaceful woodland that catches your eye. It looks almost friendly, and ripe for exploring—and who would you be to resist its call?
You set out with a confident grin on your face, heading deep into its verdant embrace without so much as a thought as to the danger. After all, you’ve got a fairly decent set of jeans on right now, not to mention your leather shoes should hold up against anything else.
And at first, it seems like everything’s going to be fine. It looks like nothing’s out of the ordinary, and that you’ll continue on this path without trouble. But then you see a strange glowing ahead of yourself, like it’s almost an ethereal blue…
Written by SketchySeraph on 13 November 2015
But hell, there’s no time like the present to see check out the source of that light. After all, it could be the source of that blue glowing dome around yourself!
You make haste towards the glowing, the foliage getting thicker and thicker around you as the light intensifies. You find yourself having to actually exert yourself to push forward through the foliage, and for a moment you think that you won’t make it through.
Suddenly the thick vegetation breaks, and you burst through it into a strange and green clearing. The grass all along it is short-trimmed, and the scent of incense hangs in the air. You can tell why almost immediately: there’s a shrine in the middle of the clearing.
“Hello? Is anyone there?” You call, your hopes raised high. But as you’d half-expected, nobody answers your cry. Instead, there’s nothing but the gentle rush of wind through the clearing, leaving you to free to inspect the only thing of note in the clearing: the shrine.
It looks like it’s a Japanese-styled shrine, with a painted and ornate hut that rests above a small and blank stone in the center. It looks to have some sort of religious or spiritual significance, and combined with the trimmed appearance of this clearing, you can’t help but wonder if there’s some magic to it all.
But you dismiss that thought quickly, instead wondering what you should do…
Written by SketchySeraph on 15 November 2015
Look At The Shrine
You don't know what compels you to look a little closer at the shrine, but something inside you does. You lean a little closer, your eye lingering on that odd stone marker, and as you do you notice that there's a faint azure glow emanating from its surface.
Before your startled eyes, the glow seems to coalesce into a set of shimmering runes, distinct letters that you vaguely recognize as something from the Far East. Then something clicks in your brain, and you recognize their meaning as clearly as if they were in English.
'Take heart, O Weary Traveler, for your rest is at hand. I can provide safety, warmth, and a home. All that I ask of you is a simple and humble offering, and you shall find this to be a haven.'
This sounds like the best deal you've had since getting stranded on this island, and you think it just might be worth a shot...
Written by SketchySeraph on 17 November 2015
Offer A Leaf
But that said, you don't have too much in the way of gifts for this little shrine. However, you remember something about leaves having some sort of religious significance to Eastern cultures, and there are plenty of leaves around here...
You smartly pluck one and place it on the shrine, wondering if anything will come of it. The glowy runes could have just been some part of a prank, after all... Even if you're having some trouble believing that the way the words appeared in your head were anything other than magic.
As if your thoughts beckon them, the words appear once more in your head, a response to the leaf you've placed.
'Very clever, offering a gift of nature and nothing of your own possession. Your guile has not gone unnoticed, suiting you perfectly for the role of the trickster.'
You blink in confusion, but before you can process the words, the glow seems to flow out from the stone and towards you. Your eyes widen as you see where the magic-for what else could it be-is headed, and you move to shield yourself as it enters...
Written by SketchySeraph on 19 November 2015
Your Chest
You gasp as the blue orb passes into your upper chest, your heart tingling as it's infused into you. Another gasp echoes the first as that telltale tingling spreads out from the inside of your chest to your skin, concentrating in two mounds on your upper chest.
You look down in surprise as your skin starts to swell, as though your upper torso is inflating, expanding into what can only be called breasts. You grab them as if to confirm with your hands what your eyes are seeing, and to your immense displeasure your hands sink with ease into their soft and supple flesh.
Your mind races as you wonder why you have breasts, thinking that such things are only suited for women-and as though the changes sense this latest thought, they sweep lower, heading directly for your groin.
A sharp pressure surges through you as you feel your maleness clench, pulling back into your body with a sudden and shocking cramping. You wobble unsteadily on your feet as you realize that you are now undeniably female. Your body seems to want to agree with this fact, your hips flaring and waistline slimming to give you an hourglass figure. Much of your fat simply vanishes from your body, and you moan aloud as your voice changes in pitch too.
You start to wonder if the changes will stop here...
Written by SketchySeraph on 22 November 2015
But Your Ears Begin To Tingle
Your hands fly from your new breasts to the sides of your head, and you squeak with your new feminine voice at the feeling of them moving beneath your fingers. Both of them are lengthening and stretching alike, their tips growing pointed and their lobes starting to flare.
It almost feels like you're growing animal ears, a suspicion that's soon confirmed by the advent of hair along your ears. Your skin itches as you grow a thin coat of peach fuzz that begins to lengthen a little more, and your eyes widen as you realize that you really are growing animal ears. No doubt this is a result of some Eastern fetish with animal girls, which means that if you're growing ears...
You gulp nervously, looking to your backside in fear to find...
Written by SketchySeraph on 24 November 2015