"Well I have nothing better to do." You say to yourself as you go out and take to the skies, flying as if you had already flown all of your life, it coming naturally to you. In fact you think nothing off it, even if you would laugh at the notion mere minutes ago.
"North-north east." You read the paper as fly over the clouds, your humanoid shape dancing through the chilly winds as your warm scales protect you from the worst effect of the weather. You fly, flapping your wings as your new eyes suddenly spot something in the clearing. A town surrounded by a small forest. This must be the place. With a sigh you move your wings and begin your descent.
Thud! A loud sound emits as you land, your new instincts guiding you as you get to the earth safely. You immediately see the lights on in the few neighboring houses. You raise one scaly eyebrow as you go out in the street proper.
"And that's when I told him, 14 days? Whats the catch?" You hear someone speak and your scaly ears perk up, catching this as you look to your left, seeing a lion and a tiger discussing something. They are both... anthromorphic in nature and clothed. You gaze on them for a few seconds as you are mesmerized by their very existence.
"Yes... I was skeptical at first myself..." the tiger responds, but you see him catch you in his eyesight and you freeze in your spot. "Excuse me, are you new here?" he asks and the lion turns around to face you as well, his great mane covering a large part of his head.
"Another one..." the lion says and you nod.
"I put the costume on and... well..." You explain and they nod in sympathy. "all I could find was this paper pointing me to this place." You add and explain. The two are kind enough to tell you quite obviously that your not the only one. The organizers decided to keep you all together in this small town they own. While there is no specific hierarchy here they do point you to a dragon who arrived here not too long ago himself, he was given a large house and they tell you were to find him. Seems like your going to have to share.
Written by Luksinatriks on 16 April 2018