Into the ocean
It is after your transformation that your mind teases over your options. Each has it’s advantages and disadvantages, though in your current state as a Selkie you question if it is a good idea to walk among humans. Sure your form is more anthroish, but you doubt if humans might respond well to a Selkie suddenly walking among them. Yet, at the same time, you seem worried about the steep drop from the cliff side into the ocean.
What if there are rocks waiting at the bottom of the drop to smash your body to bits?
Then of course there is the matter of, the longer you debate, shifting uneasily upon the rocks, the longer you wait to find out what you can do with this new body. Your curious… it seems so strange that a costume could be filled with such magic. Yet here you are, looking upon your now feminine body with a smile. A hand brushes through those long, dark brown locks of hair you have as you thank whatever higher power above that your new body is something appealing. This is a bonus to the change of events that have taken over your life even if everything else seems a bit strange.
The minutes tick by before you finally give in to the desire to be in the water. The ocean seems the most natural place for you right now and so you edge closer to the cliff’s edge to gaze down at the salty water below. From what you can make out there doesn’t appear to be any rocks waiting for you below… perhaps you were just feeling a moment of paranoia and assuming the worst?
At least now you feel a little more settled about the idea of jumping into the ocean from here. You take a deep breath, aiming to steady yourself, and jump from the cliffside down to the water below. Moments later the cool, salty water of the ocean envelops your body.
You gasp upon reflex, a shiver going down your spine as your body begins to get used to the new temperature. The water welcomes you almost like a lover who has not seen you for some time. You feel at home, and figure that taking your new body for a spin could be a rather interesting and rewarding experience.
Written by HiddenFruit on 04 August 2017