In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Normal
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Female Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.<P/>There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are normal land creatures.
- Snake <li><span class="female">Wolf</span></li>
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
The closet is almost empty, except for a thick furry coat hanging by the corner. You lean in to take a closer look, pulling it out, and finding out that it appears to be some sort of a costume. A bear? A dog? You are not so sure what it is supposed to be, but it has a dark heavy pelt and thin, realistic whiskers.
Feeling playful, you unzip the costume and step into it, pulling the legs and arms into place. The size is way too big for you, which causes it to shag on your body. The size difference is just too much that it makes you sigh with a hint of disappointment. You are just about to remove it, when you feel like the material is suddenly shrinking down to your size. You blink your eyes a few times, thinking that you are just seeing things because of fatigue, but it is real and it is happening. Your heart quickens in panic as the coat keeps on downsizing itself. You try to pull the fabric to prevent it from suffocating you, but it is useless. The material is just too strong, and you do not have the strength to rip it off with bare hands.
You try to grab on the fur again, only to find out that it has sink into the level of your skin, to the point that it feels like you are pinching yourself when you try to yank the costume off of yourself. Freaking out, you find a mirror, your eyes widen with surprise when you find yourself staring into a pair of unknown set of eyes which you are supposed to be familiar with.
They are dark and big, making your sclera almost not visible. Your entire face is covered in fur, packed so tightly, it might as well replace your skin . . . or it is? You scratch yourself when you starts to panic, only to find that your neatly trimmed nails have grown ten times the length that it was an hour ago. Your nails have also turned black and slightly curvy.
You reach out to your face, trying to feel what else has changed, only to panic when you can’t find your ears at either side of your face. Your eyes move up, your hands following to reach a pair of pointy lobes at the top of your head. You blink, and they twitch in return. You scream, and your reflection screams back at you.
No, no, no, no! This is not happening! It just can’t be! What are you supposed to do? You have turned into a freak show now.
You pull the hair on your head, only to find that it is way much shorted that you remember it to be. You groan in frustration, but the sound that vibrates from your throat comes out as a mix of a roar and an animal hiss. Holy heck! You have turned into an animal. A mammal, in fact. And as you take a second glances towards the mirror, you see some familiar features on your face that can be matched with a certain four-legged animal. With your wide nose, big tummy, and a stubby tail, you are in no doubt has been turned into a wombat — an anthropomorphic wombat, to be precise. But wait, aren’t wombats supposed to be short? You definitely do not feel the difference is height reduction.
Once you have overcome your panic attack you head back to the door of the closet. The door to the closet is still there, half-way opened just like how you found it. You hesitates for a minute, contemplating your steps, before you decide to approach it. You open the door and peek inside carefully. You expect something to burst out of there, but nothing happens. You decide to be bold and reach into the walls of the closet, hoping you can find something that might help you to remove this thing and return back to normal.
Just when you are about to give up, you feel yourself falling forward. Your heart stops when you find your hand sinking into the wooden walls at the back of the closet. You let out a yelp, which sounds like a strangled animal coming out from this new form. You catch yourself in the middle, almost toppling over but manages to dodge it. Usually, you are a very clumsy individual. But with the help of the furry transformation, you find yourself moving more agile than ever, even to be considered fast, which the thought you find impressive.
You are not sure if it is wise to explore this any further, or just give up and try to adjust to your new change. After all, how hard can it be?
Written by stellapurple on 06 September 2016
Going into the hole
Life is all about taking chances. Didn’t you wear this costume with the same thought in mind? Why can’t you just repeat the same thing in this case? You are already at a knee-length, so might as well go skin deep. With a resolved thought, you push your arm into the hole experimentally. It goes in with ease, and when you pull back, a thin membrane waves into place. Your imaginative mind can not help but wonder if this will lead you to an alternative dimension, just like how you watch in the TVs. Curiosity gets the best of you and you steps in.
You see a light at the end of the tunnel. You pick up your pace, the sound of your feet against the flooring echoes even louder. When you reach the other side, you are welcomed with an incredible sight. There are people that looks just like you — not the old you, but the new you. They move and work just like the people from your world, only you do not expect animals such as them to be walking on two legs, wear uniforms, business suits and such.
Some of the wombats pause to look upon your arrival, their eyes going wide with surprise as they take in your physique. You wonder what is making them so agitated, before you look down upon yourself and realization hits you like a ton of bricks. You are nude! The clothes you were wearing are hidden beneath the sublimated costume, and now you find yourself naked over the shrunken outfit, which has now become your new skin.
Your arms automatically move to cover yourself, your cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Some of the people who are watching you are chuckling, obviously laughing at your expense.
You contemplate if you should head back in and put some clothes on, or stay and deal with the situation.
Written by stellapurple on 13 September 2016
Town Square
“Hey, do you need some help?” someone from behind you asks. You turn around to find a handsome male wombat with sturdy body. He hands over his coat to you, showing off his charming smile to you.
“Thank you,” you accepts the coat graciously, “I’m sorry, I had no idea what came over me. Everything has been such a shock to me.”
“Oh yeah? And I wonder what could have happened that managed to make you walk out naked in public,” the good looking male says. His dark eyes light up when he smiles, and you find your heart beating just a little bit faster. His face is angular and his jaw structure brings out all of his best features. Despite him having a furry visage, you can not help but admire his clean-cut looks.
His fur is a lighter shade of grey. His hair is short and spiky, showing off the wilder side of him. But it is not just that. You can also sense that predatory look hidden in his eyes, whenever you look at him in the eyes. He wears a tight sleeveless shirt and jogging pants underneath, which allows you to appreciate the curves of his toned muscles. The curves of those hard abs . . . just looking at them makes your mouth water. The male appears to be very confident with himself. And why can’t he? The he is build with raw strength and poiseness.
“It was a long story,” you say, now blushing for an entirely different matter. You are not sure if you should bare everything to a complete stranger, but then again, this person has just saved you from further public humiliation by giving you the coat. The least you can do is share your story.
“Well, wow,” the wombat person scratches the back of his head, “I think you might be able to find some help from the costume shop nearby, though I don’t think you should advertise about your true nature to anyone. You might find that not everyone is as accepting as I am.”
The man gives you an instruction on how to get there and his best of luck in resolving your problem. But you manage to stop her before you guys depart.
“Wait a second. I haven’t learn your name.”
“You can call me Jack,” he flashes you a wide grin, which you feel is very infectious
Written by stellapurple on 20 September 2016
Costume Shop
Eventually, your nomading leads you to a busy shopping district, where you spot a costume shop. Ironically, they are displaying human costumes on by the window. You chuckle as you make your way inside, looking for the clerk. Perhaps the anthropomorphic wombat over there can help.
He is a middle age male. You can tell not only from the way he dresses ever so modestly, but also because of your new wombat instinct guiding you.
“Is there something I can help you with?” he asks you.
“Ah yes, well you see, I am not supposed to look like this. I’m originally,” you look around warily to make sure that no one listens when you say the word, “human.”
“Oh, I see,” is all he says, as if this happens to him a lot. “You put on the wombat costume, is that right?” he concludes.
(***catprog writing below***)
“Yes. And it was not like I was expecting this to happen. Can you please help me? Will I be able to return to normal?”
“Well you have found one of my costumes. In a fortnight you will be able to wear your next costume or perhaps you can stay here if you find you like this life”.
“But what about becoming human again” you say.
“Wear enough costumes and obviously the human world is where you want to be. As for the number once you have tried enough you will know how to get home” he says.
As you look around the costume shop fades along with the wombat, leaving you in a empty shop.
Written by stellapurple + catprog on 27 September 2016
The end (for now)