The Story Begins
Since this is not a first person story, please choose a character to follow:
Jake Warrens: the leader of a small refugee group that has converted an office building into a hide-out.
Laura Hawkins: a forest-ranger who's avoided detection by avoiding major cities since the invasion. She's mostly a loner.
Rysthin Dor'Vool: A seasoned radinri scout and hunter, recently assigned to earth.
Ry William: A 10-year-old mature kid who trained himself to fight. An excellent fighter, and not too shabby with guns and bows. A kind spirit. Doesn't kill. Is a peace-maker, but likes to punch first and ask questions later. Believes peace can be made between humans and Radinri. Is very good with animals.
Matteus Spail:Survivor from Africa
Written by on 01 July 2008
Laura's Story
It was cold again, but then, it always seemed cold in the Alaskan forests. Laura sipped a hot cup of cocoa and then peered back out the window of the old ranger station. A rifle sat on the bookshelf in front of the window, with a powerful scope attached to it. This was how she had survived thus far, keeping a watchful eye on the horizon and being selective with her targets. For two years she'd done this. In fact, two radinri hunters had fallen prey to her deadly aim in the past month. She worried what the repercussions of killing radinri might be, but after 27 months she no longer really cared.
Written by LorikFurdin on 03 July 2008
In a moment, the calm silence of the wilderness was broken.
"Attention, Human," boomed a voice. Laura sprang to find its source. She looked out the window...nothing. She looked out the other window...still nothing. Finally, she poked her head out the door...still nothing. "We are under orders to take you prisoner," the voice continued. It seemed to be coming from above her. She looked up, only to find gray sky. "If you do not comply, we are authorized to kill you. Come out into the open unarmed and you will not be killed," there was a pause, "that is, you will not be killed right away."
Written by Zodiac on 04 July 2008
The choice appeared to be between certain death and probable death. Still, Laura decided she'd rather be a living prisoner than a martyr. So self-preservation won out over honor, and she stepped out of the little house that had been her fortress since the invasion.
There was a shimmer in the sky above her, and a Radinri warship appeared. She recognized the ship--during the earliest hours of the invasion, TV news crews had been on hand to cover the disaster, at least until communications went out at the end of the first day. As the ship descended, Laura was inwardly grateful that she hadn't tried to fight. She would have been reduced to ashes before she even realized what was going on.
A doorway opened on the side of the ship, revealing a pair of Radinri. One was a green camouflage-patterned leopardtaur with suspicious black eyes. The other appeared to be a light brown liontaur, though she couldn't see its face.
A ramp extended from the open doorway, and the pair stepped out of the ship. The leopardtaur was armed to the teeth, with heavy body armor and a vicious-looking laser rifle, as well as a heavy satchel slung over his shoulder. Laura guessed she'd rather not know what was in it. The other was dressed in what appeared to be an ordinary parka and scarf, with an also-ordinary backpack. Laura looked at the second Radinri in bewilderment. This one wasn't even armed, and was wearing decidedly human clothing and had no fur on his upper body. Compared to his companion, he looked almost comical.
The funny-looking Radinri stepped around the warrior, lowered his hood, and untied the scarf, revealing a human face. "Hello," he said, putting out his hand, "I'm Quara Alex, but you can just call me Alex." Laura shook hands with the odd creature.
"I'm Laura Hawkins," she said. "Um...please don't be offended," she said, glancing at the laser rifle, "but you seem awfully--"
"Human?" Alex smiled. "I'm a Convert. One of the first."
"I'm afraid I don't understand," Laura said.
"Right, sorry. You've probably been holed up here for a while. Anyway, before the invasion, my father was--"
At that moment, Alex was interrupted by a sharp growl from his companion.
"Sorry," Alex said, "my master here would like to...politely remind us that we have a schedule to keep, and we can continue our conversation on the ship after I've escorted you to your cell."
"What?" Laura said indignantly, "Your 'master'? My cell?!"
"Quiet," Alex hissed, "The Radinri have a very strict hierarchy. Play along or you'll get killed...or worse." The warrior growled again, this time louder, and Alex grabbed Laura by the arm and led her aboard. "Ah," he went on theatrically, "Forgive me for not introducing my esteemed master. This is Rysthin Ka'Ar. He's actually very kind, once you get to know him. Also, if you make eye contact with him he will rip your throat out. Just so you know."
Written by Zodiac on 04 July 2008