A first move
“You’re never going to master your first move if you don’t keep on trying,” Absol stated firmly, his gaze connecting with your own. “If you find this move hard to learn, then you’ll probably won’t be prepared for all your other moves soon to come.”
You sighed, pressing your paw against your forehead as you plopped down onto the ground, ears flattened. This was way too tiring! If this kept on going for any longer, you’d probably be a melted puddle of cat mush by the end of the day. Plus, it was embarrassing!
“Okay, from the top.” Absol piped up from his position, narrowing his eyes at you. “Relax your body. It’s quite simple, really. All you gotta do is feel it deep within you, run, and bite at the air. It’s bound to happen.”
Groaning, you decide to give it another shot. He wasn’t going to leave you alone until you got this right. The quicker you tried, the quicker this’d be over.
You took in a deep breath, inhaling the air around you, before exhaling, relaxing your body. Now, all you felt was the hot sun blazing down on you, its hot beams energy coming down like lasers.
You charge forward, springing into a running stance as you prepare yourself to nip at the air, hoping that this time, the move would work.
You don’t see it, but your fangs began to glow brightly, following your upper and lower row of teeth to shine alongside with them. In a matter of moments, the sound of your teeth clicking against each other came to your ears, and you slow down. Ears swiveling forward, as if expecting something, you glanced back at the other Pokémon.
Absol nods, standing up and beginning to pad toward you. “Very good. You’ve accomplished your first move. ‘Bite’.” He looked impressed, approving of your new ability.
“Now, if you follow me, I will bring you to someplace I know of that can help you. You could use the expert training,” the white Pokémon informed, jerking his head to the side in gesture to the direction he wanted to head into.
More travelling is what you didn’t want to do. But there was no other choice.
You began to follow him, for he was already heading down the said path. It took you a few moments to notice the way you were walking. It felt so different, using these different set of feet as paws to get around. And the light weight that tugged at your rear, which was your tail, was a bit off as well. Hopefully you’ll get used to it. If not, then you had to deal with it for the next two weeks.
Written by Demonicor666 on 24 December 2016