People come and go so quickly here.
Wait a minute. They've got a map?
Okay. You still don't know what's going on here, or who those people are, but they seem to know what they're doing. More than you do, anyway. They've found a way to avoid the constant changing, they've come armed and mapped, and - if their plan is any good - they probably know a way to get out of this place unchanged.
Of course, now that you're a lizard, you'd rather have at least one change before you leave. You don't want to spend the rest of your life crawling on your stomach and eating bugs. Do lizards eat bugs? You decide not to think about that. One thing is clear: you want to go with the people. Whatever they're doing, it has to be better than bumbling around the mansion on your clueless own.
Unfortunately, there's still a door in the way. Who designed this place? They take away your hands, then expect you to open doorknobs! If you ever find the architect, you're going to have a long talk with him. Or her. Preferably as a Tyrannosaurus.
Complaining isn't getting you anywhere, though, and there's no telling how far the people have gotten by now. You heard their planned route through the mansion; unfortunately, you don't really remember anything past "closest door on the right." After that, you've lost them. You have to turn that knob.
Written by Chrysalis on 15 January 2009