Let him Approach
“Ruben! Please this one can talk, surely this is a sign that we can talk things out and bring a peaceful time between our people.” Ruben snaps. He comes forward with slow steps. “I'm Ruben, a local man of God.” He holds out his hand, ignoring the call of his comrades “Can we talk? Surly if you accept God we come to a revolution that ends without any-” Ruben was got off from his speech as a hole appeared in the middle of his chest. He drops to his knees and you back away in horror as his bodies blood seeps out if the hole and flowed like a river into a pool that his own body collapse in.
“Oh my fuck-” your own voice is caught of as you slap your paw over your mouth. How had that happen? How in the fucking hell had that happening?! You watch as five men carrying spears and shotguns ran to the priests side. A slow persisting drop landed on your head. Annoyed that you couldn't be left in your horror in peace you look up to see what is. A slow dawning horror crawled its way into your brain as your body chilled to an impossible cold in this jungle's heat. Dripping high off of the top of your stinging tail was the shinning ruby liquid that was the priest blood. You bat at a drop ready to fall on your upturned face, and as you turn away from your tails actions back to the men. You see them armed and encircling you. Some shaking in fear but eyes cold. Murderously so. You stubble back afraid.
“I didn't mean to.” you tumble over your words. Begging and pleading with your brain to come up with the words needed to save your life. “I don't have control-”
“You killed your only saviour she-demon.” A large barrelled chested man spoke. His voice deep and unfeeling. “Now!” he called out with his arm pointed into your direction. Now! Your mind panics at these words.
Before you even get the chance to turn and run. The burning scent of gun-smoke filled the air, it's charred scent distorting the peaceful scents the jungle had once offered you. Your body flinches and shifts as the deep radiating pain ingrains itself into your body. You scream and fall to the ground. For all you look like a demon your mind was human and unused to such pain.
The men encircle you and the shots continue. The pain become more and more unbearable. Your human voice looses itself into a high gut wrenching sound, like an inexperience player on a flute. You can't make out their attack on you anymore. The world was growing cold, the surrounding space becomes dark. Your last thoughts rang clear as any as you feel the slow tumble of life leaving your body. You were never going home.
Written by psto1464 on 16 August 2018
The end (for now)