You fall asleep, head tucked under your tail to keep the sunlight away. It’s a remarkably deep sleep, and the sun warms your lethargic blood – before long, you’re starting to stir, muscles relaxed and ready to run a marathon. You pull your head out from under your tail.
Your slow, pleasurable awakening, however, is interrupted as something bounces off your skull with a decided ‘thunk’. You snap at it, but it’s just an apple. Maybe it’s just that time of year –
-And another apple bounces off of your back. You raise your head, teeth bared and something between a yell and a growl starting in your misshapen throat.
“Hey, whoa, relaaaaax.” A tiny shape flitters down to a lower branch, hefting up another apple. “I need to get them down somehow!”
“…The apples?” you managed to ask, although every word hurts to force out. **** that genie. This wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t hurt so much.
“Well, yeah. Wanna catch another one for me?” Before you can say anything, she lobs it down, and you manage to catch it with your claws – and then fumble, dropping it to the ground.
“Nyah, you almost did it.” She hops off the branch, tiny wings like little iridescent leaves as she slowly drifts down to the ground. “Man, somebody hit you with the ugly branch. What happened?”
“Nothing,” you grumble, flopping back down on the ground. “What – you?” The fewer words the better, as far as you’re concerned.
“A pixie, duh! Haven’t you ever seen a pixie before?” She strokes her chin thoughtfully. “I mean, I guess not, if you were askin’ in the first place.” She shrugs. “Well, I won’t be a pixie for long!”
Your quizzical look apparently tells her what your question is. She gives a tinkling laugh. “You silly billy, these are special apples. I’m gonna be big! I’m tired of people stepping on me.”
Maybe the apples will turn you human again!
Written by Elliott-Moose on 23 December 2016