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Freak OUT! Bada, da da, da na, na na... star star star halfstar emptystar

    Swimming frantically around in circles, you make frightened squealing sounds that only serve to scare you more! Reality is broken! The laws of physics are ended! Science is useless! Logic is useless! Area 51 might have happened! Elvis may still be alive! Nothing is certain! SQUEEEEE!


    Twisting and gyrating, you let the panic run its course, and then float listlessly in the ocean, dimly aware that a current is pushing you even farther out. How do you go back? What happened? Why did it happen?


    Many questions, no answers.


    Thus begins the longest, and perhaps most laid back, day of your life. For at least one cycle of sun and moon you are the only living creature you encounter, minus some fish you clumsily devour. Hour after hour you swim in solitude, thinking in circles, planning fruitlessly. It wouldn't be half bad if you knew that your errant humanity would be coming back, but there's no such guarantee forthcoming, and it's the uncertainty that really gnaws upon your cetacean mind.


    Finally, who knows how many days later, you submerge again after breathing to hear unmistakable dolphin noises far off in the murky depths. Although you know little about dolphin social structure, any company at this point is welcome, and you pump your tail warily, heading toward the noises.

Written by Mr.Peaches on 11 February 2007

The end (for now)

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