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<br/>The answer to that question comes to you fourteen minutes later: Plenty hard. Swimming around and scanning everything you can, you have not managed to spy anything which looks like it might have been a building. Well... you had speculated that there might be some unusual side-effects from millions and millions of water-gateways all running at the same time... maybe one of those side-effects was making water plants grow much faster than normal? <br/> <br/>You keep searching below the surface. After the third time coming up for air, you notice an odd-looking part of the lake bed; a sort of steep-sided hill whose overall shape is fairly close to rectangular. Could it be..? Maybe, maybe not. You replenish your air supply, dog-paddle (or should that be 'lion-paddle'?) to directly above that rectangle-ish feature, and dive straight down! <br/> <br/>At this point, the lake bed is four minutes down from the surface. And when you get there, you find that the hill, if it is one, is certainly large enough that it could be what you're looking for. So the question is—is it? <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 25 October 2010

Female Scrub the plants

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