Back to the Ship
“The ship is obviously the best answer! It’s the only place I know! Cubs!” you shout, looking over at their massive, doleful eyes peering at you. They all look so terrified. Their eyes are just massive, becoming sponges to all the horrors around them.
With a sudden howl, a man dove towards the group. You lunged forward, bashing at the attacker before waving at one hand. “Towards the ship!” you command, “Now!” All at once all those small legs began pumping madly. You follow hurriedly, waving your weapon crazily.
Turning across the threshold of the ship’s opened drop, you spy that corridors emptied. “Ah! Good!” you gasp, the battle kept the attackers focused outside. Your hand thrashes madly, waving the children down the hall to where you remember your quarters being. You shuffle all the charges into the room before a sudden holler broke your focus.
Your hand jerks hard, mashing the button to close the door and reseal the security before you swivel back. Where you entered the ship, you see a sudden wave of bodies flooding in. “Oh shit! They came in here now!” You look at the door to your room where the children are hidden then back.
“What do I do? What do I do?” The crowd of attackers is growing closer, shouting madly. Your eyes, in their mad wash over the ship, notice that there’s another exit popped open from a window just down the hall. “I could get out!” But, then your remember the kids.
“Will they be safe in there? It’s not like they can get past a retina scan, right?”
The dilemma sits in front of you, but you don’t have a lot of time to decide!
Written by Picklessauce69 on 14 May 2016