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The Koi Costume emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You pick up an interesting-looking costume that has a fishlike tail. It is white with orange patches on the sides and cheeks and a row of grey stripes running from the shoulders to the tail. On it is a one-peice swimsuit of some sort.


<spanFullTF>You gingerly put it on. So sooner have you done so than you feel a tingling sensation all over your body. You suddenly feel your hands growing to fit the costume's webbed fingers. You feel your spine extending to fit the costume's tail.




The new sensations are overwhelming. All of a sudden, the room vanishes, and you find yourself underwater. At first you fear drowning, but you realize that you have gills. Breathing underwater and swimming comes naturally to you. Maybe it's the costume. You get used to your new form, moving your powerful tail through the water to propel yourself through the water. You take in your surroundings. It looks like some sort of freshwater pond. There is an underwater cave not far behind you, and there is a rocky shelf in front. What do you do? Head for the shore or the cave?

Written by on 19 January 2015

Head for the shore

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