6 people are deposited on an island.
The 1st night someone accidentally activates a barrier.
In the tv studio the producers quickly realise that they can't get anybody out or in but the automatic cameras' signals are still working. They decide to relabel the show as fiction.
Now which character do you wish to start with?
Written by catprog on 17 December 2000
Who cares about any of the other characters.
Just go as yourself.
Written by catprog on 20 November 2016
The arrival ship
You pack your bags looking around your cabin, making sure not to leave anything behind. Before you know it , the knock on the door comes and you are pushed out.
The rafts are cut loose and after someone goes down to catch everything you start tossing the survival equipment down.
Canvas, pots, food everything starts to get loaded on the raft.
Just before you leave, you spot a fire making kit hidden in a bag of rice. Quickly grabbing it before the siren sounds you slip it into your pocket.
You find a spot and start paddling towards the island. The moment the first person steps onto the beach you feel your insides turn inside out for a moment.
You look around to see a shimmering barrier blocking your view of the horizon.
Written by catprog on 05 August 2017
First Night
As you stare at the barrier one of the others starts barking orders. "You their, get shelter. You start finding water. You fire"
It shakes everyone else out of their slump and soon the camp is being made. You hold up the fire making kit and after a few false starts the fire is going.
By the afternoon the camp is coming together. A shelter has been made, the kitchen set up. And the fishermen have even caught their first fish.
Just as the meal is finished and cleaned up, the rain comes. It buckets down, putting out your fire. The shelter is mostly dry although enough waters gets in that everyone is wet.
Through the gaps and the lightning you see what is out their.
Written by catprog on 10 August 2017
Lion Pride
On the outside sniffing the edge of camp are a pride of lions.
The group of you remain quiet through the night, the sound of their roars echoing all night.
The morning comes just as the storm breaks. The only trace of the lions is their foot prints. They seem to have been well behaved.
Your food is untouched, although not having any fish left probably helped. The leader looks around and makes a decision.
Written by catprog on 13 August 2017
The three survivors
Mark gave the his two comrades a look. A plan still forming in his mind.
“We were lucky the beasts of this land didn't eat our last resources of food. But we are not safe here. We must move from here and camp else where.”
John looked over the land as if to stake out a path they should take, but before a decision was made Dan interrupted.
“Maybe we should split up.” He said pointing left. “I'll go left, John you go right, and Mark can choose where he goes.” Dan suggested.
Mark's eyes glared at his comrade. “I'm the leader and will not be having you make decisions for the group over my head.”
Dan gave a challenging look of his own. “We can cover more ground if we are not stuck following you around like we have for the past three days.” he snapped.
“What do you know about leadership!” Mark remarked bitterly.
“Enough to know we can't keep doing the same thing and expect a different result!” Dan challenged getting right in Mark's face.
Written by GoldenAltaira on 03 October 2017
Split up
Mark seemed to back down after that and just marched off into the woods.
Dan went left.
John went right.
In the woods Mark ran into a blue stone that caught his interest. It could be worth money.
He picked it up from the ground.
Dan found a colored stone of his own on his path.
Dan picked up a Yellow stone under a bush that caught his eye in the light.
John was the last to find a colored stone. His red.
Upon holding the stones they began to glow brightly blinding the holder forcing them each to drop the gem.
Written by GoldenAltaira on 06 October 2017
Back at camp
Mark looked down, he didn't feel right. He was to close to the ground, and he couldn't seem to stand on his two feet but instead on his hands and feet.
He shook his head to clear it. Since when did he have huge paws for hands? He looked around freaking out. He ran back to camp, what was left of it anyways.
Once back where he had left his friends not even 30mins ago he saw two more lionesses walking into the abandoned camp.
He began to growl and the other two stopped.
It turned into a bit of a stand off for a while, each lioness growling at the other. Mark wasn't sure what it was but something in him clicked.
“Dan? John?” he merred, finding it the less threatening way to speak in his current condition.
Both lioness stopped at that and looked at each other before moving there eyes back to him.
“Mark?” One of them meowed back.
It was such an odd sound, nothing like the human words, but a purring, and yet Mark could make out his name just as he suspected the others could make out theirs.
“What happened to us?” Mark determined the one 'speaking' was Dan.
“I don't know.” Mark answered honestly. “I found a stone-” before he could go on Dan jumped in braking his train of thought.
Written by GoldenAltaira on 08 October 2017
“STONE!” He was now practically in Mark's face. “I found a stone too when this happened! What color was it? Did it glow? How far was it from the camp?” Mark shook his head trying to keep up with Dans' fast purring and meowing speech.
“Slow down Dan.” He snapped, it coming out more as a roar which caused John to stand to attention as if worried a fight was about to break out.
Mark had to reel-in his emotions in, last thing he needed was a fight among friends. What they needed to be focusing on was how they ended up like this, and more importantly, why were they females?
“Clearly we all found a stone.” Mark began. “I can see them having magic to change us into lions, but why females?”
Dan and John seemed to be just as confused. Well whatever the case this was so far beyond them now. Maybe moving forward they could find some answers.
He shook his head. “Well, whatever the reason for this, maybe we can find answers if we stick together.” Mark stated heading back to walk back into the forest. However, it was John who stopped his progress, the lioness jumping in his path.
Written by GoldenAltaira on 10 October 2017