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Knitting emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Knitting? Has Maria knitted anything in her entire life? Have I? So many questions. Oddly enough it was kind of exhilarating, being tossed into a life Jasmine knew absolutely nothing about. Not even the tigertaur realm nor the sphinx world offered this much mystery right off the bat. “OK, OK. I’m coming.” She made her way to the rocks where everyone was seated with the seal skin bundled up in her arm. Looking around Jasmine estimated there to be at least a hundred folks scattered around the peninsula, each one of them featuring long hair like her own. She was partly conscious of her nudity even though everyone else was just as bare as she was.


Maria and two other women, named Valeria and Priscilla, were seated in a circle atop some rocks. Around them were big piles of what looked like seaweed or kelp. They where weaving the threads together into what looked like mattresses, blankets, and ropes. Jasmine stood just a few feet away, watching in silence before Maria noticed her. “Well don’t just stand there. Join us and help.”


Jasmine came back to reality with a jolt. “Oh yeah. Sorry.” With no boulders to sit on she sat down cross legged in the sand. In one thoughtless motion she brushed her hair aside so she wouldn’t sit on it. I bet I’m used to doing that in this world.


“Grab as much as you need,” Maria said casually. “We’re just making whatever.” She wove together a long strand of green sea rope. Her fingers moved deftly and without error.


“Oh, alright.” Jasmine looked into the giant pile of twiny green strings that was piled on the sand between them. I have no idea what to do or what to make. “Um, if it’s alright. I’ll just chill with you guys. I, um, don’t have anything I need to make.”


Fortunately, Maria shrugged. “Suit yourself. We can just chat.”


Jasmine smiled with relief. “Yeah, cool.”


“So, did you find anything on that island?”


“The what?”


“The island. You said you were going to check it out and forage there. I noticed you didn’t come back with a sack. Did you lose it?”


Jasmine realized the island Maria referred to was the place where she’d swam from. But I don’t remember any sack. I’ll probably have to swim back for it. “Uh, no. I didn’t find anything, and I think I forgot my, uh, sack.”

Written by TheGreatJaceyGee on 17 October 2024


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