You see her
Next to a riverbank that rushes with a bright, glowing blue bubbling liquid, appearing to be a sort of thick, jelly-like water, you see her there. Yhnhn. She seems to have aged since you saw her mere hours ago. What was once a nubile, young body has grown womanly and mature. She stares at you with shock like you must have once looked at her.
"Brother in truth." She speaks with reverence. You still don't know exactly how to reply.
"It's been so long."
It's only been hours, you told her. You saw her less than a day ago. But to her, it's felt like ages. Time moves either slower or quicker in this place depending on your frame of reference. She has waited for your return.
"You've arrived. In time, as our world’s timeline synchronizes with yours, so will everyone else. You are simply the first and I couldn’t be happier to see you.”
But you’re scared, you say. What is this place and what have I become?
“This is the World of Forms. Where all that has been clouded by reality finds its true form. You have simply become what you were always meant to be. You were destined to become this the moment you stepped through that portal, and whether you know it now or not, others will follow suit.”
Is this what you were meant to be? Have you somehow become a creature you’ve always known yourself to be on the inside? What if someone finds you here?
“I’m so happy to see you this way. You’re finally home.”
You now have a choice. Not a choice of actions but a choice of being and identity.
Yhnhn stares at you with large, beautiful eyes, kneeling down at the riverside, watching you, waiting your response patiently.
The wind is gentle, warm and smells of rosemary and peach. Time moves slowly.
Written by Martin Prance on 17 February 2016