It's the perfect time to panic!
You're a girl! You're a girl! Your more freak out about this then the transformation into Renamon; only by a little. You fly out of the dressing room, swatting back the curtains only to cut them with your now clawed hands. Sounds of torn fabric sound louder, stronger than they ever did before on your human ears. Wild ideas run though your mind as you pace the shop, not yet brave enough to step outside of the suspiciously empty shop. You need help, but who?! Pacing up and down, you can't think of anything.
You stop and try to cross your arms, and fail. Your newly grown chest gets in the way. “How the hell do girls cross their arms?!”You yell in frustration. Thinking of your mom, you can picture her crossing her arms, but never thought to recall the details. You never thought something like this would happen. “Mom!” You yell, surly she'll know what to do. You briefly consider calling your friends, but surly they would not believe you and if they did. You would be a viral sensation in a you-tube minute.
“You're going to call you mom?” a voice laughs. Your ears twitch instinctively to the sound, and you spin to your right. You see the digimon, Impmon. His bandana flutters in front him as he continues to laugh at you, but you remind yourself; he can't be a real digimon and neither can you. This can't be happening you try to convince yourself. “This isn't happening? I want my mommy.” He wines at you, before he laughs again. “I changed the costumes and I can put them back. If I want too.” He hops the desk. “Follow me if you dare little former-human!” Impmon jumps behind the desk, you rush to the desk to see where he went.
“Holy shit” you say staring at the blue-green whirling portal. This whole day was turning into a
giant manga production. What should you do?
Written by psto1464 on 03 June 2017