Vixer upper
You stand pondering your new mirror image for a while. You sure look cute that way!
No. Not just cute. It's no use lying to yourself.
You look sexy. If it had been someone else in the mirror - or rather out of it - you would have been all over her.
You giggle as you think of the expression "getting into her panties". You're wearing them!
"Is that an affirmative?" the shopkeeper inquires.
You look in the mirror again. The more you look, the more curious you get about whether the vixen... feels as great as she looks and sounds. You can't find out here, but if you accept a trial you could take her somewhere to... play, and as long as you clean up afterwards none will know. And you'd be sure to win the best costume award at the party!
"I'll go for the tryout," you say huskily. You run your hands quickly around looking for seams and finding none. "How do I get it off?"
The shopkeeper smiles enigmatically. "The shorts have a zipper in the side and a clasp above your tail. The shirt has buttons, only they are the other way round. And the bra unhooks in the back. It's not so different from male attire really."
You stare at him. "What the heck are you talking about?"
"Taking your clothes off," he says in a tone suggesting that he has considered every reason a vixen might want to undress. Fortunately your red face fur hides your blush.
"I... meant the costume!" you stutter.
"Oh. You're not wearing a costume. You are transformed. The 'costume' you put on earlier was just a carrier for the transformation spell."
Well, that certainly explains how the thing kind of fell apart. "Okay, how do I turn it off then?"
"Come back tomorrow and I'll skin you."
"Well, it looks that way but actually it's a harmless, painless magical procedure to undo the transformation and restore the carrier skin."
"Okay, that's at the end. But how do I change during the trial?"
"You don't. Transformation spells don't come on and off like a jacket. The 24 hour trial is continous from the moment you leave the store. I can change you back now, but once you leave the store the spell gets locked for twenty hours."
"I thought you said 24?"
"That's how long you can keep it. Twenty is how long you have to."
You look in the mirror again. So near, yet so far... "I can't go around like this all day!"
"Have you tried? Most users find they can. Just takes some getting used to..."
"But I have things to do before the party. I need to identify myself."
"Good thing I scanned you when you came in then." Apparently without moving, the shopkeeper is suddenly holding an oblong jewelry case. He opens it to reveal a plain looking necklace with (obviously) a fox head pendant. "Try it on," he suggests.
Hesitating briefly at the realization that pretty much everything in the store is magical, you pick up the necklace and put it around your neck. Fortunately it seems to have a magical clasp that locks as soon as the ends of the chain meet.
Nothing happens.
"I don't feel any diffe... YIKES!!"
For a moment you get the impression that a man has turned up out of nowhere and is looking curiously at you. Then you realize that he's inside the mirror, and once you have calmed down enough you recognize the old you.
But didn't the shopkeeper just say...? You look down. Nope, you're still the vixen. You realize that your voice didn't change either.
"Illusion spell," the shopkeeper explains. "It's a bit like in Quantum Leap. You see and hear (and feel etcetera) your current true form, except when you look in a mirror or on a monitor. Everyone else sees and hears (not to mention other senses) your old self. Unlike the transformation, the illusion can be turned on and off by putting on and removing the necklace."
You nod, reach for your neck and find that pulling on both sides of the clasp releases it. The mirror shimmers and the vixen is back. "This isn't a free sample though?"
"Right. Two hundred. Or you can hire it for ten a day, and it becomes yours after three weeks."
Now that doesn't sound too bad. A tenner is less than you expected to spend for a non-magical costume, and you get the thrill of walking around as a vixen all day without anyone knowing it!
"How much does the cos.. the spell cost anyway?" you ask. You're not so sure you just want to try it for a day now.
The shopkeeper thinks a bit and rattles off a string of digits that makes you want to whistle, but your lips don't purse properly, so it comes out as a kind of thin howl. "That's a lot of money!"
"Well it's a lot of magic!" There's no arguing that. "I agree it's quite an investment, which is why most users try to get as much use out of it as they can."
"Oh? How long...?"
"Actually most my customers are in the 'and counting' category. They haven't come back yet. Two never will. They died still transformed."
You go back to the changing room and find your old clothes. Even though the illusion appeared to be wearing them, that was just illusion. Your pants are still there, and so is your wallet. You take out a tenner and look at it as you ponder your options.
Hire the necklace and leave the store as a secret vixen?
Keep your money, leave as you are now and change your plans for the rest of the day?
Get changed back (perhaps spending some time in the back room first) and look for something else?
Or get changed back and Leave Right Now?
Written by Won-Tolla on 05 November 2007