You decide to become a snake--a cobra, in case you need to fight something.<br /> The circle burns...<br /> Your legs and arms suddenly give out. They lose mass, and then shrink and retract, until you're nothing but head and body. This stretches out until it's long and snake-like. Your fur smooth over into beautiful green scales, your eyes become little slits, and your face pushes forward. You open your mouth, and a pair of venomous fangs unfolds. Finally, your hood forms on the back of your neck.<spanSumTF>The transformation finishes leaving you a cobra</spanSumTF>. Armed with your new body, you charge into the hole. On the other side, you're in a well-lit room. On the other side you see a mongoose--shoot! Someone must be planning all this. The mongoose charges at you. You strike out at it, but it only backs away momentarily, unphased. Maybe it would help if you weren't something the mongoose liked eating. Maybe you should be a...
Written by Zodiac on 04 March 2007