As Daniel raced onwards, he felt something within his mind… shift. Like there was movement in his head. He slowed his run and paused to wonder what it was, only to hear a sigh in his head.
“Um. You okay?” Daniel asked. He didn’t even know her name, he realized now…
“Oh, I’m quite fine,” the kitsune replied. “I just realized there’s something I forgot to inform you. Two things, actually.” She chortled. “My name, as you have yet to learn, is Kura. And the second thing is… a detail I ought to have informed you beforehand, so for what it’s worth, I do apologize.”
Daniel frowned and came to a stop, despite the tantalizing scent calling to him. “Okay… What? What’s wrong?”
“Well, Daniel, you probably didn’t notice it, but… your current form…” Kura sounded a little sheepish as she continued. “As I am female, despite the fact your human body and mind are male, it means the form you’re in is also female.”
Daniel gaped. “Oh…”
“Meaning, you are a vixen,” Kura continued. “You’re smaller, slimmer, and… Well, in this state, you’re lacking the same packaging you have otherwise.”
Daniel paused and attempted to look behind himself, but, couldn’t.
Kura chuckled dryly. “You didn’t notice it, or even feel it, when you realized what you were, did you? That’s because you wouldn’t; this state is like a second nature to you. It’s one of the benefits of this form whenever a kitsune merges with a human host. It’s like a second skin, one you’ve basically known your entire existence beyond some initial awkwardness.”
Daniel’s mind was racing with this information. “So you’re saying I’m a guy trapped in the body of a vixen? For as long as I’m in this form?”
“Essentially,” Kura replied. “Again, it won’t intrude on things too much. I just wanted you to be mindful.”
“Would’ve been nice to know before all this,” Daniel muttered.
He sighed, since it seemed - and felt - a little moot at this point, and so he picked up speed once more and began to follow the scent. It led him away from the city, into a wooded area further away. He trekked into the woods, weaving between trees, until the smell became incredibly powerful.
Daniel stopped and looked around. He realized now that he… didn’t know what to do. In fact, he was completely lost, because he’d gone and listened to the kitsune he’d merged with - on a whim - and now…
Kura chuckled once more in his head. “You need to stop worrying so much about such things. I will take care of you, Daniel. We are one now, and as my host, you are dear to me for many reasons. Fear not. I will let you know when things are dire or in need of something beyond experience.”
“Okay,” Daniel murmured. “So then where…”
Written by Hollowpages on 17 September 2019